100% Orange Juice Wiki
Waylaid Waylaid
Hit them when they didn't expect it (DLC 3)

Waylaid is a Steam achievement in 100% Orange Juice. It is one of 7 achievements included within DLC 3.


  • Defeat an opponent player on the same panel as you using Ambushicon Ambush.


  • This is easy enough to manage with high attack characters such as Yuki, Tomomo, or Store Manager, or characters with strong battle hypers like Peat, Syura, or Nanako. Luring an aggressive CPU by walking in front of them or being at low hp will put them on the same tile as you, and as long as you can survive the first battle, the second should be a cinch, since now you get to attack first and they're probably already damaged from the previous fight. Luring players in multiplayer by getting a solid star lead makes you a high-priority target and again easy to manipulate into Ambush.

Other DLC3 Achievements
