100% Orange Juice Wiki
The Cross of Battle The Cross of Battle
As Islay, challenge 7 or more players to battle in a single game.

The Cross of Battle is a Steam achievement in 100% Orange Juice!. It is one of 6 achievements associated with DLC 23.


As Islay, start battles with other players 7 times in a single game.


  • The achievement description inaccurately uses the term "challenge", which in-game only refers to battles started by passing players during movement. Since Islay's passive prevents her from doing this, the achievement is earned by starting battles through means other than challenges.


  • Islay requires cards in order to start battles against players. Therefore, filling the deck with Assaulticon Assault, Gentleman's Battleicon Gentleman's Battle, and even Ambushicon Ambush is recommended. It is best to place Assault on Mass check0 Home panels or well-traveled routes to maximize the effectiveness of the Trap.
  • Prioritize Mass draw0 Draw panels whenever possible in order to obtain the aforementioned cards alongside Rival.