100% Orange Juice Wiki
Version 2.4.1 Version 2.5 Version 2.6

Version 2.5

Version 2.5 was released on October 17th, 2019.[1]
  • Fixed CPU players being able to target Co-op bosses or their minions with Angel Handicon Angel Hand.
  • Fixed Mass damage0 Damage panels still being triggered when stopping on them even after being warped to another panel.

Unversioned Hotfix 1

An unversioned hotfix was released on October 17th, 2019.[2]
  • Added missing Spanish translation for the event.
  • Fixed a graphic issue with Kae's new Halloween costume.

Versioned Hotfix 2

A versioned hotfix was released on October 18th, 2019.[3]
  • Added banner for plushie Kickstarter.
  • Made pumpkins not spawn on frozen or Mass snow0 Ice panels.
  • Made pumpkins not take damage from BomberBomber
    Every 2 Chapters, place a visible bomb on a random panel. The bomb will explode within 1 to 4 Chapters, and units within 2 panels in a cross-shaped area of the bomb panel will take damage.
    event bombs.
  • Made pumpkins not be KO'd by Big the Jonathan's Diveicon Dive.
  • Disabled pumpkins being collected after a warp.
  • Fixed pirate minions battling pumpkins.
  • Fixed pumpkins being affected by Poppo the Snatchericon Poppo the Snatcher.
  • Fixed pumpkins being able to activate frozen panels.
  • Fixed issues with ConfusionConfusion
    Every 7 Chapters, all player's cards and rearranged and put face-down, making the cards unreadable to both the owner and other players.
    event causing crashes.
  • Fixed co-op wild units not having their costumes.

Unversioned Hotfix 3

An unversioned hotfix was released on October 20th, 2019.[4]
  • Fixed missing Spanish Halloween story (this time for real?).

References[ | ]

  1. Steam Announcement - Patch 2.5
  2. Fruitbat Factory Discord
  3. Steam Community - Patch 2.5 (Hotfix 2)
  4. Fruitbat Factory Discord