100% Orange Juice Wiki

Voice Lines

When Name English Japanese
Rolling dice Rolling dice 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Ey! えい
Rolling dice 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Eeey! えーい!
Rolling dice 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Go, roll! ころっと!
Rolling dice 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Ahaa! あはー!
Using Boost/Event/Gift/Quest/Bounty card Use card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika will play this! スミカはこれを使います!
Use card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's calculated that this will work well! スミカの計算ではこれを使えば!
Use card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ It's card time! カードの出番です!
Use card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ This card will turn the tables! この状況を打破するには!
Placing Trap card Trap card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Here's Sumika's genius trap! スミカの天才的トラップです!
Trap card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Anyone's welcome to step on the trap here. 誰でもいいですよ ささ、踏んでください
Trap card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ No one would ever imagine Sumika setting a trap here. ここにトラップを仕掛けるとは誰も思うまいです
Trap card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika always makes the right decision! スミカの判断に間違いはない!
Using Battle card Battle card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika will power herself up! パワーアップしますよ!
Battle card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ This will make Sumika stronger than ever. スミカがこれ以上強くなってしまいます
Battle card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Fufufu... Getting stronger feels nice... ふふふ…パワーアップって気持ちいい…
Battle card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika knows they call stuff like this the "ace in the hole"! こういうのを切り札って言うんですよね!
Using Reproduction of Records Hyper card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika... Sweet Memory! スミカ・スイートメモリー!
Reviving Revived 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Don't underestimate Sumika's healing powers! スミカの回復力を舐めないでください!
Revived 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika isn't finished yet! She's not finished! こっからですから!こっから!
Revived 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's all ready to take revenge. スミカ、絶対リベンジしますよ
Revived 4 ▶️ ⏏️ You haven't seen the true Sumika yet... 本当のスミカを君はまだ知らない…
Revive roll failed Revive failed 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Uh-oh! Sumika miscalculated! あれー!計算が狂った!
Revive failed 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Why!? Sumika is sad... なんでぇ!スミカ悲しいです
Revive failed 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh no! This isn't right! おわー!そんなバカな!
Revive failed 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika thinks she should be patient. 焦っちゃだめってことですかね
(Attack)/Snowball Attack/Bounty Attack Attack 1 ▶️ ⏏️ An attack from Sumika! スミカのアターック!
Attack 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Ey-eeey! えいえーい!
Attack 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's attack! スミカの攻撃!
Attack 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Yah! やー!
Taking out-of-battle damage Effect Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Hey! ちょっ
Effect Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Quit it! やめっ
Effect Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ That hurts! いたたっ
Effect Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Gee! もー!
Healing Healing 1 ▶️ ⏏️ First aid applied! 応急修理完了です!
Healing 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Now Sumika can play more. もうちょっと遊べますよ
Healing 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika feels better now. 調子よくなりましたね
Healing 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's still full of energy! スミカ、まだまだ元気です!
Warping Warp 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Warp! ワープです!
Warp 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Where's Sumika going...? スミカをどこへ…っ
Warp 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Aaah! ありゃー!
Warp 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Uwaah! うわー!
KO'd out-of-battle KO 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika can't believe she got knocked out. スミカがダウンしちゃうなんて
KO 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Uh-oh, something went wrong. あれー、おかしいですね
KO 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Why, why, why...! なんでなんでなんで…っ
KO 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Fuee, this isn't good. ふえー、ちょっとこれはマズイですね
Battle (Attacker) Challenging enemy 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Fight, Sumika! スミカとバトルです!
Challenging enemy 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's found an easy target! Easy! Target! カモ発見です!かもかも!
Challenging enemy 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Now, let Sumika beat you. さースミカに倒されてください
Challenging enemy 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's coming at you! 仕掛けますよ!
Battle (Defender) Being challenged 1 ▶️ ⏏️ You have no idea who you're challenging! 身の程知らずですね!!
Being challenged 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Looking for a fight? You sure? やる気ですか? ああん?
Being challenged 3 ▶️ ⏏️ How dare you challenge Sumika? スミカとやろうだなんて
Being challenged 4 ▶️ ⏏️ You just scored an own goal! 返り討ちですよ!
Attacking Attack in battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika will attack now! 攻撃に移ります!
Attack in battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Hoy-hoy! ほいほい!
Attack in battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ This'll finish you! これで終わりです!
Attack in battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ You have nowhere to run! 逃げ場はないですよ!
Light Damage Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Ouch!? あたー!?
Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Uhi! うひっ
Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ That really hurts! 痛いですって
Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika just got attacked!? 当たった!?
Heavy Damage Major damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Hey, Sumika is precision equipment! ちょっと、スミカ精密機械なんですけど!!
Major damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ How could you do that to a cute girl like Sumika? かわいいスミカになんてことを
Major damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Uhii! This is very very bad! うひぃっ、やばいやばい!
Major damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's going to break! スミカ壊れるぅ!!
Evading Evasion 1 ▶️ ⏏️ You missed it. 当たらないですよ
Evasion 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika is light-footed. スミカは身軽ですから
Evasion 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Like a feather. 羽のようにひらり
Evasion 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika isn't there anymore. スミカそこにいませんよ
Winning in Battle Winning a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ This was predictable, so Sumika doesn't feel anything special about it. 当然の結果すぎてスミカ何も感じません
Winning a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Not to brag, but Sumika knew this would happen. ま、こうなるのはわかってましたから
Winning a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Tell Sumika, did you think you'd beat Sumika? ねぇねぇ、スミカに勝てると思ってたんですかぁ
Winning a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika is satisfied. スミカは満足です
KO'd in Battle/Losing Game Losing a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika lost...? This can't be right... うそです…スミカが負けるなんて…
Losing a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ How horrible of you to bully Sumika... スミカをいじめるなんてひどい…
Losing a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika has become useless... スミカ、ぽんこつになっちゃいました…
Losing a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Beep beep... buzz buzz... ぴぴー ががが…
Bonus Panel Bonus panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika got stars. スターゲットです
Bonus panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Saving up little by little makes a great difference. コツコツ貯めるのが大事ですから
Bonus panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika will keep saving up. 貯金貯金っと
Bonus panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, a bonus! おー、ボーナス!
Drop Panel Drop panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's savings! スミカの貯蓄が!
Drop panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Wait up! ちょっとまって!
Drop panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Did Sumika just drop stars!? ドロップですと!?
Drop panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ No one told Sumika about this! スミカ聞いてないんですけど!!
Stepping on Trap Stepping on a trap 1 ▶️ ⏏️ A trap!? トラップ!?
Stepping on a trap 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika can't believe she fell for a trap! スミカが罠にかかるなんて!
Stepping on a trap 3 ▶️ ⏏️ What a well-set trap... なんて巧みなトラップ…
Stepping on a trap 4 ▶️ ⏏️ What has Sumika done!? やってしまった!!
Vs. Boss Encountering a boss 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika smells something strong... The same smell as Sumika. 強者のニオイがしますね…スミカと同じニオイです
Encountering a boss 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika can tell... There's a boss! この流れ…ボスじゃな!
Encountering a boss 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Here it finally comes. ついにお出ましですか
Encountering a boss 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika will go all out now! ここからはスミカもマジになっちゃいますからね!
Star Norma Star Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika excels at gathering things. スミカの収集能力ってばすごいんですから
Star Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika is very economical. スミカはコツコツ集めるタイプですから
Star Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika has calculated she's more likely to win with this option! スミカの計算ではこっちのほうが勝率が高いです!
Star Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika is going to go gather stars. スミカ、スター集めちゃいまーす
Wins Norma/Fame Norma Win Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika is also good at fighting. スミカはバトルも強いんですから
Win Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ There are times you just want to go wild! And now is one of those times for Sumika. たまには暴れたい時もありますよね!スミカはいまがその時です
Win Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika will kick everyone's butt so hard! みんなぼっこぼこにしちゃいますから!
Win Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Everyone prostrate before Sumika! みんなスミカにひれ伏すんです!
Selecting Character Selecting character 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika is Sumika! Thanks for choosing her! スミカはスミカ!選んでくれてありがとう!
Selecting character 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika was bored. Let's play. スミカ暇してたんです。一緒に遊びましょう
Selecting character 3 ▶️ ⏏️ You want to play with Sumika? Sure. スミカと遊びたいんですか?いいですよ
Selecting character 4 ▶️ ⏏️ It's finally Sumika's turn to shine! やっとこさスミカの出番ですね!
Starting Game Game starts 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's have tons of fun, shall we! 存分に楽しみましょーね!
Game starts 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika takes even games seriously! たとえゲームでも、スミカは本気で勝ちにいきますよ!
Game starts 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika is Sumika! She hopes for a good game! スミカはスミカ! よろしくお願いします!
Game starts 4 ▶️ ⏏️ It's been forever since she last played a game! Sumika can't wait! ゲームで遊ぶなんて久しぶりだなー!楽しみ!
Winning Game Winning games 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's the winner! It's only natural, though! スミカの勝利! とーぜんですけど!
Winning games 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Is it over already? Sumika wanted to play a bit more. もう終わりですか? もうちょっと遊びたいなー
Winning games 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika knew from the start that she'd win! She's still happy, though! こうなることは最初からわかってました!嬉しいですけど!
Winning games 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Boy, was it so much fun. We should do this again! やー、楽しかったです。また遊びましょうね!
Item Drop/Crate Drop Obtaining new stuff 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Isn't this what you wanted? これなんか、欲しかったやつじゃないですか?
Obtaining new stuff 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika wanted this kind of stuff to decorate her room. スミカ、こういうのお部屋に飾りたかったんですよね
Obtaining new stuff 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmm, Sumika thinks this thing is quite good. んー、なかなかいいモノじゃないですか
Obtaining new stuff 4 ▶️ ⏏️ What do you say we play with this thing? ねぇねぇ、これ使ってスミカと遊びましょうよー
Whack a Poppo/Track the Card Generic Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Okay! OK!
Roll 0 on Drop panel Generic Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Nice! いいね!
Whack a Poppo/Snowball Position Generic Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Yeah! うん!
Whack a Tomomo/Alte Generic Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ No! ノー!
Bad Prize Generic Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ Pain in the neck, right? やになっちゃいますねぇ
Star Treasure Generic Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ Lucky! ラッキー!
Neutral Prize Generic Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmm? んー?
Battle Prize/Supporter Revive Generic Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, let's get started! さー、はじめましょ
Generic Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Here's the dice. サイコロどうぞ!
Using Fury/Iron Defense Generic Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's go! いきましょー!
Greeting (Home Screen/Joining Lobby) Generic Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ Hello! ハロー!
Miss Prize/Track the Card Generic Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ Mhm... んんん…
Generic Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ That's great! いいじゃないですか!
Hyper Treasure/Good Prize Generic Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ Amazing! すごいですね!
Fail Norma check/Roll 0 on Bonus panel/Miss Match/Bad Prize (Match 2) Generic Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh uh... あれぇ…
Using Other Hyper/Using Reproduction of Records Enemy Hyper 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's capable of anything! スミカは何でも使いこなせますから!
Using Other Hyper Enemy Hyper 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Fine, Sumika will use that if you insist that much. 仕方ないから使ってあげますね
Enemy Hyper 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika doesn't know what this card does! She can't wait to find out! 知らない能力です!どうなるかどっきどき!
Enemy Hyper 4 ▶️ ⏏️ So this card has come to Sumika... She'll gladly play it now! スミカの手に渡っちゃいましたねぇ…では遠慮なく!
Special Lines
Vs. Suguri (46 Billion) (attacking) Special Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Suguri! We haven't fought in a while, so let's do it! スグリさん!久々にバトりましょーよ!
Vs. Suguri (46 Billion) (defending) Special Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Suguri!? You have to go easy on Sumika, okay!? スグリさん!? 手加減してくださいよ!?
Defeat Suguri (46 Billion) Special Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Huh? Have you lost your touch, Suguri? あれれー、鈍ってるんじゃないですか?スグリさーん
KO'd by Suguri (46 Billion) Special Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Come on! You were supposed to go easy on Sumika! もー!大人げないなー!!
Vs. Suguri (regular/Ver.2) (attacking) Special Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoa, it's the Suguri of old! わ、昔のスグリさんだ!
Vs. Suguri (regular/Ver.2) (defending) Special Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ The Suguri of old... She has sharp eyes... 昔のスグリさん…鋭い目をしてる…
Defeat Suguri (regular/Ver.2) Special Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika's somehow feeling nostalgic now. なんだか懐かしい気持ちになりました
KO'd by Suguri (regular/Ver.2) Special Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika knew she wouldn't beat Suguri in her prime... 流石は全盛期のスグリさんだ…
Vs. Shifu Robot (attacking) Special Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Brother! Let's decide who's stronger, you or Sumika! 兄妹! どっちの性能が上か勝負だよ!
Vs. Shifu Robot (defending) Special Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ Looking to fight Sumika? Bring it on, brother! スミカとやるっていうの? いいよ兄妹!
Defeat Shifu Robot Special Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika has better performance! スミカの方が高性能なんだから!
KO'd by Shifu Robot Special Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ You KO'ing Sumika was the last thing she wanted! こ、この子だけには負けたくなかったのにぃ
Vs. Poppo (Mixed) Special Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ You have to treat Navi's body better! ナビボディを雑に扱わないでよぉ!
Vs. NoName (attacking) Special Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ Ah! It's the fake Papa! あー!パパもどき!
Vs. NoName (defending) Special Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ Don't you come any closer to Sumika! こっちこないでよ!
Defeat NoName Special Line 16 ▶️ ⏏️ You're so weak, imposter. やっぱ弱っちいなーパパもどき
KO'd by NoName Special Line 17 ▶️ ⏏️ Gee! Unacceptable! もー!なんなのもー!
Shifu Robot boss arrives on field Special Line 18 ▶️ ⏏️ Sumika smells him... You're around, aren't you, brother! このニオイ…そこにいるんだね、兄妹!

Note: Announcer voice lines cannot be listened to in the in-game Gallery. English and Japanese captions provided by Wiki staff.
When English Japanese
Opening the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Orange_Juice and Fruitbat Factory. オレンジジュースアンドフルーツバットファクトリー
{{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Shindenken. しんでんけん
Title screen {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ 100% Orange Juice! 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ!
Start of player 1 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 1. プレイヤーワン
Start of player 2 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 2. プレイヤーツー
Start of player 3 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 3. プレイヤースリー
Start of player 4 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 4. プレイヤーフォー
Starting a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Battle. バトル
Winning a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Win. ウィン
Triggering a bonus panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Bonus. ボーナス
Triggering a drop panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Drop. ドロップ
Triggering a draw panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Card draw. カードドロー
Triggering warp panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp. ワープ
Triggering a move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Move. ムーブ
Triggering warp move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp move. ワープムーブ
Triggering a trap {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Trap triggered. トラップ発動
Skipping a turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Skip. スキップ
Stopping on a panel affected by Immovable Object {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Stop. ストップ
Triggering a norma check without meeting the requirements {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma check. ノルマチェック
Reaching level 2 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 1 achieved. ノルマレベルワン達成
Reaching level 3 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 2 achieved. ノルマレベルツー達成
Reaching level 4 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 3 achieved. ノルマレベルスリー達成
Reaching level 5 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 4 achieved. ノルマレベルフォー達成
Winning the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Final norma achieved! 最終ノルマ達成!
Attempting to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connecting. コネクティング
Successfully connecting to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connected. コネクティド
Failing to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Failed. フェイルド
Attempting to connect to a full lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Lobby full. ロビーフル
Another player joins the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player joined. プレイヤージョインド
Another player leaves the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player left. プレイヤーレフト
