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Voice Lines

When Name English Japanese
Rolling dice Rolling dice 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Ey! えいっ
Rolling dice 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Toh. とぉ
Rolling dice 3 ▶️ ⏏️ There! それっ
Rolling dice 4 ▶️ ⏏️ There you go! そーれっ
Using Boost/Event/Gift/Quest/Bounty card Use card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll use a card. カードを使うわ
Use card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ How about I play this? これはどうかしら
Use card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Like this? こうかしら!
Use card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ This is it! これねっ
Placing Trap card Trap card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm setting this here. セットするわ
Trap card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ This ought to be fun. 面白いことになりそうね
Trap card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm putting a card down here. カードを置くわね
Trap card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Who's going to walk into this, I wonder? 誰が引っかかるかしら
Using Battle card Battle card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Here's my special card. とっておきよ
Battle card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ It's now or never. 使うなら今ね
Battle card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll play this card here! ここでこのカード!
Battle card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I have something good. いいものがあるの
Using Whimsical Windmill Hyper card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ All right, let's get started! さぁて、始めましょうか!
Reviving Revived 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I got her running again. 再始動できたわ
Revived 2 ▶️ ⏏️ All right, we're back up. よし、動いたわ
Revived 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Repairs complete. 修理完了ね
Revived 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Okay, it's time to resume! さぁ、再開よ!
Revive roll failed Revive failed 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Failed to restart the engine. 再始動失敗ね
Revive failed 2 ▶️ ⏏️ We can't move yet. 動かないわね
Revive failed 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Guess we'll have to wait a little more. まだ駄目みたいね
Revive failed 4 ▶️ ⏏️ We'll be ready soon. もうちょっとね
(Attack)/Snowball Attack/Bounty Attack Attack 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Take that! 当たって!
Attack 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Fire! 発射!
Attack 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Eeey! ええいっ!
Attack 4 ▶️ ⏏️ How do you like that! どうかしら!
Taking out-of-battle damage Effect Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Ouch! あいたっ
Effect Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ How dare you! このっ
Effect Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ That hurts. 痛いわね
Effect Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ That came from a blind spot! どこからっ!
Healing Healing 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Time for repairs... 修理…と
Healing 2 ▶️ ⏏️ With this... everything's fine. これで良し…と
Healing 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Ah, it saved my life. ああ、助かったわ
Healing 4 ▶️ ⏏️ That's a relief. 一安心ね
Warping Warp 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, dear. あらあら
Warp 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Goodness. おっとっと
Warp 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Where will it fly me over? どこに飛ばされるのかしら
Warp 4 ▶️ ⏏️ This is so thrilling! スリル満点!
KO'd out-of-battle KO 1 ▶️ ⏏️ We got beaten. やられちゃったわ
KO 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh no, she's broken... 駄目ね、壊れちゃったわ
KO 3 ▶️ ⏏️ She needs repairs. これは修理が必要ね
KO 4 ▶️ ⏏️ We won't be able to fly for a while. しばらく動けないわね
Battle (Attacker) Challenging enemy 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Bring it on! 勝負よ!
Challenging enemy 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I request that you fight me. 失礼するわ
Challenging enemy 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Here I come! いくわよ!
Challenging enemy 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I won't go easy! 手加減抜きよ!
Battle (Defender) Being challenged 1 ▶️ ⏏️ So you want to fight me? あなたが相手ね
Being challenged 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Let me see what you've got. あなたの腕、見せてもらうわ
Being challenged 3 ▶️ ⏏️ If you want to fight, I am game. 来るなら来なさい
Being challenged 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Don't be shy to challenge me. さぁ、どんどん来なさい
Attacking Attack in battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Prepare yourself! 覚悟なさい!
Attack in battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Can you dodge this! 避(よ)けられるかしら!
Attack in battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ There! そこね!
Attack in battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Got you! 捉(とら)えた!
Light Damage Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Good work. やるわね
Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Ouch! いたっ!
Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Did I get hit!? 当たった!?
Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I got hit! 被弾っ!
Heavy Damage Major damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Owww! あいたた!
Major damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ That was very good! すごいっ!
Major damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ This is bad. まずいわ
Major damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ That really hurt. いったーい
Evading Evasion 1 ▶️ ⏏️ That was so close. 危ない危ない
Evasion 2 ▶️ ⏏️ You can't hit me. 当たらないわよ
Evasion 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Not good enough. まだまだね
Evasion 4 ▶️ ⏏️ You still have a long way to go. あまいあまい
Winning in Battle Winning a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Victory! 勝利!
Winning a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ One down! 一機撃墜!
Winning a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I won this one. 私の勝ちね
Winning a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I hope to fight you again. またお相手願うわ
KO'd in Battle/Losing Game Losing a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ You defeated me. やられたわ
Losing a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I lost. 負けちゃった
Losing a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ You're good. いい腕ね
Losing a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I surrender. 降参よ
Bonus Panel Bonus panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I like this. よしよし
Bonus panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Good progress. いい調子ね
Bonus panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ How nice! 素敵!
Bonus panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll keep getting more and more. どんどん集めましょう
Drop Panel Drop panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, that's unfortunate. あら、残念
Drop panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I don't like this. 参ったわね
Drop panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Not fair. ひどいわね
Drop panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh no. ああ、大変
Stepping on Trap Stepping on a trap 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, dear. まぁ
Stepping on a trap 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Someone got me. してやられたわ
Stepping on a trap 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Ah, this is annoying. あら、くやしい
Stepping on a trap 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Who set this up? 誰が置いたのかしら
Vs. Boss Encountering a boss 1 ▶️ ⏏️ That's some enemy. すごいのが出たわね
Encountering a boss 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, what a surprise. まぁ、驚いたわ
Encountering a boss 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Looks like big trouble. 大変なことになったわね
Encountering a boss 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Well, what should I do now? さて、どうしたものかしら
Star Norma Star Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll gather stars. 星を集めましょう
Star Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'd rather go for stars. 星がいいわね
Star Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's gather plenty. たくさん集めましょう
Star Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ This is my choice. こっちにするわ
Wins Norma/Fame Norma Win Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Fufu, I guess I feel like doing this. ふふ、こっちでいいのかしら
Win Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm enjoying myself. なんだか楽しくなってきたわ
Win Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ How savage. まぁ、野蛮
Win Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ This is what I usually do. いつものことね
Selecting Character Selecting character 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Me? Sure. 私ね、いいわ
Selecting character 2 ▶️ ⏏️ So you want to go with me. 私でいいのね
Selecting character 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I believe in you. 期待してるわ
Selecting character 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's give it our all. 頑張りましょう
Starting Game Game starts 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's get pumped. 張り切っていきましょう
Game starts 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm so excited. ワクワクするわね
Game starts 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I can't wait to have fun. 楽しみね
Game starts 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Bring it! かかってきなさい!
Winning Game Winning games 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Boy, was that fun. ああ、楽しかったわ
Winning games 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Easy win. 勝った、勝った
Winning games 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's go get Islay and toast to my victory. アイラを誘って、祝杯ね
Winning games 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's have another round. もう一勝負、いきましょうか
Item Drop/Crate Drop Obtaining new stuff 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I had no idea there was something like this. こんなものもあったのね
Obtaining new stuff 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, I'm glad I got this. あら、嬉しい
Obtaining new stuff 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's add it to the collection. コレクションに加えましょう
Obtaining new stuff 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll take it. いただくわ
Whack a Poppo/Track the Card Generic Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Good. いいわ
Roll 0 on Drop panel Generic Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Nice. いいね
Whack a Poppo/Snowball Position Generic Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Yes. はい
Whack a Tomomo/Alte Generic Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ No. いいえ
Bad Prize Generic Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ That's bad. 駄目ねぇ
Star Treasure Generic Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ Ah, talk about lucky. あら、ラッキー
Neutral Prize Generic Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ What is it? なぁに?
Battle Prize/Supporter Revive Generic Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ Now, let's go! さぁ、いくわよ!
Generic Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Here goes! はいっ
Using Fury/Iron Defense Generic Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ Go, go. ごーごー
Greeting (Home Screen/Joining Lobby) Generic Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ Hello. こんにちは
Miss Prize/Track the Card Generic Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmm... むむ…
Generic Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ There, there. よしよし
Hyper Treasure/Good Prize Generic Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ You impressed me. すごいじゃない
Fail Norma check/Roll 0 on Bonus panel/Miss Match/Bad Prize (Match 2) Generic Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ Uh-oh. あらー
Using Other Hyper Enemy Hyper 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Seems like a fun card to play! 面白そうね!
Enemy Hyper 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Good to know I can do this. こんなこともできるのね
Enemy Hyper 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Not sure what this does... but, here goes! よくわからないけど…、せいっ
Enemy Hyper 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Allow me to use this one. 使わせてもらうわ
Special Lines
Vs. Marc Special Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Come at me, Marc! 勝負よ、後輩ちゃん!
Vs. Islay (attacking) Special Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Fufu, I've been waiting for this moment. ふふ、待っていたわ
Vs. Peat Special Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ You still have a lot to work on, little rascal. まだまだね、やんちゃ坊主くん
Vs. QP (any)/Yuki (any)/Aru (any)/Arthur/Nico/Tomomo (regular/Sweet Eater)/Poppo (any) (attacking only) Special Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Are those ears in fashion these days? そういう耳が流行っているの?
Vs. Malt Special Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ No going easy on me, please. 手加減しないでくださいね
Vs. Cast Off Kyousuke Special Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ Do you have any idea how ungentlemanly you look right now? まぁ、紳士にあるまじき格好ね
Vs. Nanako/Poppo (any)/Tomato/Mimyuu/Star Devourer (defending) Special Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ Behave yourself, okay? おいたは駄目よ
Vs. Natsumi (defending) Special Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ You're one dangerous girl. 物騒な子ね
Special Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Wow, that's quite a magic trick. すごい。マジックね
Vs. Sora (any) (defending) Special Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ Just looking at her... makes me wanna like her; I wonder why. この子を見てると…可愛がってあげたくなるのはなぜかしら
Defeat Pirate Minion Special Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ You're as much of a small fry as you look. 見事な三下っぷりね
Someone else plays Little War Special Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ It's not as safe as it used to be around here. 物騒な世の中になったわね
Use I'm on Fire! Special Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm getting the thrills! 楽しくなってきたわ!
Use Final Battle Special Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ We'll decide who's stronger once and for all. ここで決着をつけましょう
Steal a card using Tragedy in the Dead of Night Special Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ It's mine now. いただき
Use Long-Distance Shot Special Line 16 ▶️ ⏏️ Taking aim. 狙い撃ちよ
Use Gentleman's Battle Special Line 17 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll challenge you! Just kidding. あなたに挑戦! なんてね
Use Extension Special Line 18 ▶️ ⏏️ What kind of equipment will I get? どんな装備が届くのかしら
Use Forced Revival Special Line 19 ▶️ ⏏️ It's not good for you to sleep down there. そんなところで寝ちゃ駄目よ
Special Line 20 ▶️ ⏏️ Maybe I overdid it a little. やりすぎてしまったかしら

Note: Announcer voice lines cannot be listened to in the in-game Gallery. English and Japanese captions provided by Wiki staff.
When English Japanese
Opening the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Orange_Juice and Fruitbat Factory. オレンジジュースアンドフルーツバットファクトリー
{{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Shindenken. しんでんけん
Title screen {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ 100% Orange Juice! 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ!
Start of player 1 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 1. プレイヤーワン
Start of player 2 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 2. プレイヤーツー
Start of player 3 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 3. プレイヤースリー
Start of player 4 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 4. プレイヤーフォー
Starting a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Battle. バトル
Winning a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Win. ウィン
Triggering a bonus panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Bonus. ボーナス
Triggering a drop panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Drop. ドロップ
Triggering a draw panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Card draw. カードドロー
Triggering warp panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp. ワープ
Triggering a move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Move. ムーブ
Triggering warp move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp move. ワープムーブ
Triggering a trap {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Trap triggered. トラップ発動
Skipping a turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Skip. スキップ
Stopping on a panel affected by Immovable Object {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Stop. ストップ
Triggering a norma check without meeting the requirements {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma check. ノルマチェック
Reaching level 2 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 1 achieved. ノルマレベルワン達成
Reaching level 3 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 2 achieved. ノルマレベルツー達成
Reaching level 4 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 3 achieved. ノルマレベルスリー達成
Reaching level 5 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 4 achieved. ノルマレベルフォー達成
Winning the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Final norma achieved! 最終ノルマ達成!
Attempting to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connecting. コネクティング
Successfully connecting to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connected. コネクティド
Failing to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Failed. フェイルド
Attempting to connect to a full lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Lobby full. ロビーフル
Another player joins the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player joined. プレイヤージョインド
Another player leaves the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player left. プレイヤーレフト
