100% Orange Juice Wiki
Record Sales Record Sales
As Arthur, receive payments at least 15 times in 1 game (DLC 19)

Record Sales is a Steam achievement in 100% Orange Juice!. It is one of 7 achievements associated with DLC 19.


As Arthur, have other players trigger your Rbit Hobby Shopicon Rbit Hobby Shop traps 15 times in a single game.


If obtaining in singleplayer, this can be achieved by loading a Custom game and selecting Farm. Alternatively, Star Breaker Episode 4 can also be played, as it has decent preset opponents and field events for this achievement (and getting bonus stars). Due to how the field is structured, the CPU tend to hover at the middle of the field making this an ideal way to obtain the achievement. The more Rbit Hobby Shopicon Rbit Hobby Shop traps that are placed in the middle of the board, the better odds that a CPU will land on a shop. While effective cards for Arthur such as Passionate Researchicon Passionate Research, Extendicon Extend, and President's Privilegeicon President's Privilege are still useful, Oh My Friendicon Oh My Friend can also have a use in slowing down the CPU's progression in winning the match. Placing shops as a cluster in a straightforward path instead of primarily targeting homes may also prove useful in increasing the odds of someone landing on a shop.

Field events such as MiracleMiracle
Every 5 Chapters, all Mass bonus0 Bonus, Mass drop0 Drop, Mass draw0 Draw, Mass encount0 Encounter, Mass move0 Move, Mass warpmove0 Warp Move, Mass heal Heal panels, and Mass damage0 Damage panels will become Doublepanel Double panels accordingly. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
and CharityCharity
Every 5 Chapters, all Players will receive 1 Card at the beginning of the Chapter.
will also boost Arthur's chances into obtaining his hyper.
