100% Orange Juice Wiki

Voice Lines

When Name English Japanese
Rolling dice Rolling dice 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Toh! とおっ
Rolling dice 2 ▶️ ⏏️ There! それ!
Rolling dice 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's do this! やるぞ!
Rolling dice 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Tey! てい!
Using Boost/Event/Gift/Quest/Bounty card Use card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Card! カードだ!
Use card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ It's time! 今使うならこれを!
Use card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright! よーし!
Use card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I can do this! やってやるぞ!
Placing Trap card Trap card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Trap card! トラップカードだ!
Trap card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll set a trap here. トラップをしかけちゃうよ
Trap card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, this is looking good. よーし いい感じ
Trap card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I feel like pulling a little prank. ちょっとイタズラをっと
Using Battle card Battle card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll get myself more power with this! パワーアップするよ!
Battle card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Uoooh! うぉおお!
Battle card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm pumped up! やる気アップだぁ!
Battle card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Give me power! 僕に力を!
Using Saint Eyes Hyper card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll show you the power of my Saint Eyes! 僕の聖露眼の力を見せてあげます!
Reviving Revived 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I can't waste my time lying down. 倒れていられない
Revived 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm not finished yet! まだまだっ
Revived 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Phew, I need to be more careful this time. ふぅ 気をつけないとね
Revived 4 ▶️ ⏏️ The game's still on. まだ勝負は終わってないよ
Revive roll failed Revive failed 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh shoot...! しまった…っ
Revive failed 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I messed up. やっちゃった
Revive failed 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Huh? A bust? あれ 失敗?
Revive failed 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Damn it! くっそぉっ
(Attack)/Snowball Attack/Bounty Attack Attack 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Tah! たぁ!
Attack 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll defeat you. やらせてもらうよ
Attack 3 ▶️ ⏏️ My turn to attack! 僕の攻撃っ
Attack 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Here I come! いくよ!
Taking out-of-battle damage Effect Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Uwawah! うわわっ
Effect Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ No! そんな
Effect Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Wait a second. ちょっとまって
Effect Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Ugh. くっ
Healing Healing 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I can feel my energy returning! 元気が湧いてくるっ
Healing 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, I'm better now. よーし これで
Healing 3 ▶️ ⏏️ That saved my life! 助かった!
Healing 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Okay, I've still got a chance to win! よーし ここからここから!
Warping Warp 1 ▶️ ⏏️ A warp?! ワープだって!?
Warp 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Hey! ちょっとっ
Warp 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Uwaaah! うわああっ
Warp 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Wait, wait...! まってまって
KO'd out-of-battle KO 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Ukyuuu. うきゅぅっ
KO 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoops... あちゃ~…
KO 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Oww... あいてて…
KO 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh boy... I can't believe you did this to me... もう… 酷いことするなぁ…
Battle (Attacker) Challenging enemy 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Fight me! バトルだよ!
Challenging enemy 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's get started! さぁ 始めよっか!
Challenging enemy 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's play, shall we? 遊ぼっか
Challenging enemy 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, I'm so ready for this. よーし 気合を入れてっと
Battle (Defender) Being challenged 1 ▶️ ⏏️ A battle? You can't beat me! バトル? 負けないよ!
Being challenged 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Fine, come at me! よーし かかってこい!
Being challenged 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Woah! It's cowardly to suddenly attack like that! うわっ 急に襲いかかってこないでよぉっ
Being challenged 4 ▶️ ⏏️ If you wanna play rough, I can play rough! そっちがその気なら!!
Attacking Attack in battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Puuunch! ぱーんち!
Attack in battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Atatatatah! あたたたた!
Attack in battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Oryah! おりゃー!
Attack in battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ With everything I have! 思いっきり!!
Light Damage Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Ow! いてっ
Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oww! いててっ
Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Wan! わんっ
Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Damn it! くそっ
Heavy Damage Major damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ That hurts. 痛いって
Major damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Gyan! ぎゃんっ
Major damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Come on! ちょっとぉっ
Major damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Waaah! わああっ
Evading Evasion 1 ▶️ ⏏️ That won't get to me. 当たらないよ
Evasion 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Please! あっぶないってば
Evasion 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I can dodge that. ひょいひょいっと
Evasion 4 ▶️ ⏏️ That was so close! あぶなっ
Winning in Battle Winning a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I won this one. ここは僕の勝ちだね
Winning a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Phew, I managed it somehow. ふぅ なんとかなった
Winning a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, I'll keep going like this. よし この調子で頑張るぞ
Winning a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I almost got beaten... 危なかったぁ…
KO'd in Battle/Losing Game Losing a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ You've got to be kidding me. うそでしょ
Losing a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ This is unacceptable. こんなのって
Losing a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Damn it...! I can still... くそ…っ まだ…
Losing a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoops, I'm screwed... ありゃりゃ やっちゃった…
Bonus Panel Bonus panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Stars! スターだ!
Bonus panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ If I have enough of these...! これが沢山あれば!
Bonus panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Heheh, awesome. へへっ やったね
Bonus panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ So far so good! いい感じいい感じ!
Drop Panel Drop panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh no, why! わわっ なんでぇっ
Drop panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ My stars! 僕のスターがっ
Drop panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Whaaat, this is terrible! えええっ 酷いよぉっ
Drop panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Wait for me! 待ってぇ!
Stepping on Trap Stepping on a trap 1 ▶️ ⏏️ A trap?! トラップだって!?
Stepping on a trap 2 ▶️ ⏏️ How come it was here? こんなとこに?
Stepping on a trap 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Ugh, I stepped into it... うぅっ 引っかかっちゃったよ…
Stepping on a trap 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Seriously!? マジで!?
Vs. Boss Encountering a boss 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoa, what's this vibe I'm getting? わっ なんだこの気配っ
Encountering a boss 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Uh oh... I feel like something bad is going to happen... うわぁ… 嫌な感じするなぁ…
Encountering a boss 3 ▶️ ⏏️ This is... very bad. これは… まずいね
Encountering a boss 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I-I'm not scared! こ 怖くないぞっ
Star Norma Star Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I say we gather stars. スターを集めよっか
Star Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's get ourselves a lot of them. 沢山集めようね
Star Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, time for some star-gathering. よーしスター集めだ
Star Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Do I smell stars... from over this way? スターの匂いは… こっちかな?
Wins Norma/Fame Norma Win Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Why don't we get some exercise? 体動かしていこっか
Win Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I feel like working up a sweat. 汗かきたい気分なんだ
Win Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll beat all the enemies! 敵は僕がやっつける!
Win Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I may not look like it, but I'm actually pretty strong. 僕 こう見えて力持ちなんだよ?
Selecting Character Selecting character 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm Kyupita! Let's have some fun. きゅぴ太だよ! よろしく
Selecting character 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I got this! I'll try my hardest! 僕にまかせて! 頑張るよー!
Selecting character 3 ▶️ ⏏️ It's my turn, isn't it? I've been waiting! 僕の出番だね 待ってた!
Selecting character 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll win this game, whatever it takes! 絶対勝つよ!
Starting Game Game starts 1 ▶️ ⏏️ The game has begun! ゲームの始まり!
Game starts 2 ▶️ ⏏️ We'll do this with all we've got, okay! 頑張ろうね
Game starts 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll definitely win this game! 絶対勝つぞ!
Game starts 4 ▶️ ⏏️ It's started! スタートだ!
Winning Game Winning games 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I won! I did it! 僕の勝ち! やったぁ!
Winning games 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I had so much fun! すっごく楽しかった!
Winning games 3 ▶️ ⏏️ *Smug chuckle* I did great, didn't I? ふふーん 僕すごかったでしょ
Winning games 4 ▶️ ⏏️ We should do this again sometime! またやろう!
Item Drop/Crate Drop Obtaining new stuff 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I found something good! いいもの見ーつけた!
Obtaining new stuff 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Wow, how do you use this thing? わぁ これってどう使うんだろ
Obtaining new stuff 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's go play with that. コレ使って遊びに行こう
Obtaining new stuff 4 ▶️ ⏏️ New item! Nice! 新しいアイテムだ! やったね
Whack a Poppo/Track the Card Generic Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Sure! いいよ!
Roll 0 on Drop panel Generic Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Great! いいね!
Whack a Poppo/Snowball Position Generic Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Got it! わかった!
Whack a Tomomo/Alte Generic Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I wouldn't do that... ちょっとそれは…
Bad Prize Generic Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ That's a bummer... がっかり…
Star Treasure Generic Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ Lucky you! ラッキー!
Neutral Prize Generic Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ What...? What? え… ええ?
Battle Prize/Supporter Revive Generic Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ Here we go! いっくよー!
Generic Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Dice! サイコロ!
Using Fury/Iron Defense Generic Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ You can do it! 頑張れ!
Greeting (Home Screen/Joining Lobby) Generic Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ Hello! こんにちは!
Miss Prize/Track the Card Generic Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ What is this...? なんだこれ…
Generic Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ Incredible! すごい!
Hyper Treasure/Good Prize Generic Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ Wow! I'm impressed! わぁ! すごいね!
Fail Norma check/Roll 0 on Bonus panel/Miss Match/Bad Prize (Match 2) Generic Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ Rats! くそー!
Using Other Hyper Enemy Hyper 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I wonder if I can use it well. 僕に使いこなせるかな
Enemy Hyper 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Isn't this power... この力って…
Enemy Hyper 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Let me play this! やらせてもらうよっ
Enemy Hyper 4 ▶️ ⏏️ My special card...! 僕の切り札…っ
Special Lines
Vs. QP (attacking) Special Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Huh? Me? ...A girl!? あれ 僕… 女の子!?
Special Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Are you... 君って…
Special Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Wawah, when did I become a girl!? わわ 僕が女の子になってる!?
Special Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ You're... not me, are you? 僕… じゃないよね?
Vs. QP (defending) Special Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ Just who are you...? 君って一体…っ
Special Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoa, how come she looks just like me!? わぁっ 僕そっくりの女の子!?
Special Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ I feel like I know her... Who's she? 他人って感じがしない… 誰?
Special Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ Huh? She smells just like me... ええっ 僕そっくりの匂い…っ
Vs. Kyousuke (attacking) Special Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Kyousuke! So we have no choice but to fight, huh... センパイ! 戦わなきゃいけないんですね…
Special Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll stop you, Kyousuke. センパイは僕が止める
Special Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ Even if I have to fight you... センパイと戦うことになっても
Special Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ Kyousuke...! センパイ…っ
Vs. Kyousuke (defending) Special Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ Kyousuke... Do we really have to fight? センパイ… どうしても戦わなきゃならないんですか
Special Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ Why do you have to fight me...!? なんでセンパイが僕を…っ
Special Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ I will... cleanse your mind, Kyousuke! センパイの心… 僕が浄化してみせる
Special Line 16 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll beat even you, Kyousuke...! センパイにだって負けません…っ
Vs. Kyoko (attacking) Special Line 17 ▶️ ⏏️ Kyousu-... Wait, you're a girl!? センパ… 女の人!?
Special Line 18 ▶️ ⏏️ Um, Kyousuke... Are you into crossdressing? えっと センパイ… そういう趣味が?
Special Line 19 ▶️ ⏏️ Kyousuke... Wait, it's not him!? センパイ… じゃない!?
Special Line 20 ▶️ ⏏️ Um, are you... Kyousuke's little sister? えっと センパイの妹さん… ですか?
Vs. Kyoko (defending) Special Line 21 ▶️ ⏏️ Kyousu-... Wait, who are you!? センパ… いや誰ぇ!?
Special Line 22 ▶️ ⏏️ Um, uh... A pretty lady who looks like Kyousuke...? あ えっと… センパイ似の綺麗なお姉さん…?
Special Line 23 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoa, she's the spitting image of Kyousuke! わわっ センパイそっくり!?
Special Line 24 ▶️ ⏏️ W-what a pretty lady...! す 素敵なお姉さん…っ

Note: Announcer voice lines cannot be listened to in the in-game Gallery. English and Japanese captions provided by Wiki staff.
When English Japanese
Opening the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Orange_Juice and Fruitbat Factory. オレンジジュースアンドフルーツバットファクトリー
{{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Shindenken. しんでんけん
Title screen {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ 100% Orange Juice! 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ!
Start of player 1 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 1. プレイヤーワン
Start of player 2 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 2. プレイヤーツー
Start of player 3 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 3. プレイヤースリー
Start of player 4 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 4. プレイヤーフォー
Starting a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Battle. バトル
Winning a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Win. ウィン
Triggering a bonus panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Bonus. ボーナス
Triggering a drop panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Drop. ドロップ
Triggering a draw panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Card draw. カードドロー
Triggering warp panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp. ワープ
Triggering a move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Move. ムーブ
Triggering warp move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp move. ワープムーブ
Triggering a trap {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Trap triggered. トラップ発動
Skipping a turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Skip. スキップ
Stopping on a panel affected by Immovable Object {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Stop. ストップ
Triggering a norma check without meeting the requirements {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma check. ノルマチェック
Reaching level 2 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 1 achieved. ノルマレベルワン達成
Reaching level 3 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 2 achieved. ノルマレベルツー達成
Reaching level 4 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 3 achieved. ノルマレベルスリー達成
Reaching level 5 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 4 achieved. ノルマレベルフォー達成
Winning the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Final norma achieved! 最終ノルマ達成!
Attempting to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connecting. コネクティング
Successfully connecting to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connected. コネクティド
Failing to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Failed. フェイルド
Attempting to connect to a full lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Lobby full. ロビーフル
Another player joins the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player joined. プレイヤージョインド
Another player leaves the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player left. プレイヤーレフト
