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Playstyle[ | ]

Kyoko primarily plays as an excellent tank who prefers stars norma. Kyoko should avoid all combat unless she can benefit from it. Due to Kyoko's incredibly high base DEF, she can more freely take Mass encount0 Encounter, or even Mass encount1 Boss panels over a Mass drop0 Drop panel, when given the choice. Kyoko also has the option of challenging players standing on Mass check0 Home panels when she needs a quick norma check, or just to chip them for damage, taking advantage of the heal from the home. Because she cannot evade, and her Crystal Barriericon Hyper depletes her HP, Kyoko should pay extra close attention to her current HP. 3 HP is the sweet spot where Kyoko can take advantage of all 3 stocks of her Hyper to deplete her HP safely, ensuring a self-KO without any star loss (Although, 2 HP may be a bit safer, in case she lands on a Mass check0 Home panel.) Crystal Barriericon Crystal Barrier has much versatility; it ignores traps, allowing Kyoko to negate powerful Traps which could otherwise spell trouble, such as Saki's Big Bang Bellicon Big Bang Bell, as well as ignoring Mass drop0 Drop panels, cementing her star lead in the match.

Tips[ | ]

Playing As Kyoko
  • Healing is Kyoko's best friend, as she cannot evade a single attack. As a result, cards such as Saki's Cookieicon Saki's Cookie, Dinnericon Dinner, and Puddingicon Pudding are essential for the player's success.
  • Kyoko can use her Hyper at 3 HP or less to prevent the loss of stars from battles, while also protecting her from any traps or Mass drop0 Drop panels.
  • Field events such as Air RaidAir Raid
    Every 5 Chapters, all units will take 1 damage at the beginning of the Chapter.
    and RegenerationRegeneration
    Every 5 Chapters, all Units recover 1 HP at the beginning of the Chapter.
    need to be payed attention, as they can weaken her, or interfere greatly with plans for her Hyper.
  • Battle cards such as Quick Restorationicon Quick Restoration and Shield Countericon Shield Counter can also be used to prevent Kyoko's health from depleting; however, the latter should be used sparingly, given the price.
  • Pet Snacksicon Pet Snacks and Oh My Friendicon Oh My Friend can make the lives of aggressive characters (Kyoko's biggest deterrence) a lot more frustrating, especially when multiple bosses have to be fought or wild mobs have stats resembling a boss. Meanwhile, she is not affected nearly as much, thanks to her taking an average of just 1.56 damage against even +3 ATK. They can also be paired with Play of the Godsicon Play of the Gods for easier and (in the case of Oh My Friend) cheaper use, and can also call upon the aforementioned Dinnericon Dinner, to grant Kyoko earlier and more reliable healing.
Playing Against Kyoko
  • Persistence is the best counter to Kyoko. Since Kyoko can only survive 4 attacks at maximum without healing cards and possesses no ability to evade, the player should attack Kyoko often to deplete her health quickly. By doing this, Kyoko will soon be KO'd, or be forced to spend 20 stars and use Crystal Barriericon Crystal Barrier. Either outcome will cause star loss for the opponent.
  • Card control such as Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange and Flamethrowericon Flamethrower have the potential to be devastating to Kyoko, as Kyoko can be very reliant on cards such as Dinnericon Dinner and Hyper.
  • Reverse Attribute Fieldicon Reverse Attribute Field is deadly against Kyoko; it will turn her DEF stat to -3 and give her a powerful evade stat she can't use. As a result, the opponent will only be able to roll 3 or lower for defense without assistance, likely resulting in a KO.
  • Final Battleicon Final Battle will similarly endanger Kyoko, as she cannot evade, and will struggle to deal much damage back. It can be used to KO Kyoko more reliably, without having to rely on multiple challenges to do so.
  • Sink or Swimicon Sink or Swim can be used when Kyoko is at 1 HP to steal 75% of her stars
  • Cards to chip away at Kyoko's health such as Long-Distance Shoticon Long-Distance Shot and Indiscriminate Fire Supporticon Indiscriminate Fire Support bring Kyoko closer to 1 HP requiring less fights to eventually take her down.
  • Cards to blunt her stats such as Accelerating Skyicon Accelerating Sky and Poppoformationicon Poppoformation will lower her DEF and make her more likely to take more damage.
  • Rainbow-Colored Circleicon Rainbow-Colored Circle is effectively useless for Kyoko, as she cannot evade.
  • Sealed Guardianicon Sealed Guardian is absolutely fatal to Kyoko since she will be unable to evade at 1 HP, causing a guaranteed KO on any hit.

Recommended Cards[ | ]

Standard Recommended Viable

Dinnericon Dinner
Puddingicon Pudding
Saki's Cookieicon Saki's Cookie
Portable Puddingicon Portable Pudding

Play of the Godsicon Play of the Gods
Quick Restorationicon Quick Restoration
Serene Hushicon Serene Hush
Shield Countericon Shield Counter
Tactical Retreaticon Tactical Retreat

Oh My Friendicon Oh My Friend
Pet Snacksicon Pet Snacks
Here and Thereicon Here and There

Counter Cards[ | ]

Recommended Standard

Final Battleicon Final Battle
Flamethrowericon Flamethrower
Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange
Indiscriminate Fire Supporticon Indiscriminate Fire Support
Long-Distance Shoticon Long-Distance Shot
Reverse Attribute Fieldicon Reverse Attribute Field
Scrambled Eveicon Scrambled Eve
Serious Battleicon Serious Battle
Sink or Swimicon Sink or Swim

Accelerating Skyicon Accelerating Sky
Heat 300%icon Heat 300%
Mimyuu's Hammericon Mimyuu's Hammer
Poppoformationicon Poppoformation
