100% Orange Juice Wiki

Cards are important tools the player can use to strategize during the match. Cards come in many different types and effects that can be used to influence different parts of the gameplay. As a result, cards often play a large role in the ultimate outcome of the game.

When the player starts 100% Orange Juice! for the very first time and selects their starting character, they will receive a deck of 15 cards in order to play and begin their card collection. Not all cards are included with the game and some can only be purchased by owning the appropriate DLC card pack.

The Deck

Center Deck

At the start of a match, each player will be taken to a deck-building screen where they will select 10 cards from their collection to bring to the game. The amount of each card the player has in their collection is marked with a white number over it (1-9), and only a maximum of 3 of the same card can be taken, unless stated otherwise on the card. If a player attempts to begin with less than 10 cards, they will not be able to proceed to the game until 10 cards have been selected. In single player and private lobbies, there is no time limit for this process; however, in public lobbies, the player will have approximately 85 seconds to select the cards, else they will be chosen at random from their collection. The player can also save up to 5 decks and can click the dice icon to auto-generate a deck at random.

Once each player has selected their deck for a match, all four decks are shuffled with 8 "blank" hyper cards, creating a 48 card "Center Deck". As the name implies, the Center Deck is usually located at the center or next to the board, and has the chapter number listed on its side. All players will draw from the Center Deck during the match, meaning they could receive any of the cards the opponents have packed. If the player draws a hyper card, it will become the unique hyper card corresponding to the player's character.

Deck Build Example



At the beginning of each game, each player will be provided with a single card from the Center Deck. In order to draw more cards from the Center Deck during the match, the player will need to land on Mass draw0 Draw or Mass drawL2 Draw (x2) panels. Other factors may enable the player to draw more cards, however. Certain card effects will search the deck and others enable the player to draw when activated. The field event CharityCharity
Every 5 Chapters, all Players will receive 1 Card at the beginning of the Chapter.
will also cause all players to draw automatically as well.

Before a player moves, they will have the option to play a card if they are holding one. However, if they do not have the norma level or stars necessary to play it, the card will be crossed out when they try to activate it. Most cards can only be activated at the beginning of the player's turn, however, this varies from card type to card type. Generally, the player can hold up to 3 cards at a time, but there are some character-specific exceptions. If the player ends up with 4 or more cards for any reason, they will be forced to discard any amount of cards at the end of their turn, until they have 3 cards. However, if the player happens to begin their turn with 4 cards, they can instead activate a card to reduce the hand back to a size of 3, instead of discarding at the end of the turn.

After a card is either played or discarded, it is moved to a discard pile off-screen. The player cannot see or interact with the discard pile (aside from a character-specific exception). Once the Center Deck is completely drawn, the cards in the discard pile are taken out, shuffled, and set face-down to form a new Center Deck. Only the 48 cards that formed the initial Center Deck are eligible for the discard pile; any other cards that are created through field events, unit passives, or other card effects are instead removed from the game whenever they would be discarded. A card log above the Player 4 HUD shows the most recently activated cards, and is not to be confused with the discard pile.


Reading Cards


Unit Health Hyper Name

Card art Illustrator Unit Name Game of Origin

Card Type Passive Ability (No passive if blank) Stats


Card Rarity

Icon Rarity
Rarity1icon Common
Rarity2icon Uncommon
Rarity3icon Rare

Star Cost per Icon

Icon Price
1star 1 star
10star 10 stars
Playerstar Amount varies

Card Art Illustrator Maximum Number in Deck (Unless stated, Max is 3) Card Pack Symbol

Pack1icon Pack2icon Pack3icon Pack4icon Pack5icon Pack6icon Pack7icon Pack8icon Pack9icon

Card Name Norma Level Needed for Usage

Icon Card Pack
Lv1icon Norma Level 1
Lv2icon Norma Level 2
Lv3icon Norma Level 3
Lv4icon Norma Level 4
Lv5icon Norma Level 5

Card Type Card Effect Flavor Text

Card Types

The is a very wide array of cards in 100% Orange Juice that vary greatly in both effect and nature. Cards can provide the player with many possibilities, whether by aiding the player, sabotaging an opponent, or cause random chaos for all players. However, different card types have different rules for activation. As previously illustrated, the card type is listed on every card but it can also be identified by the color of the card. Below is a brief overview of each card type the player will have to choose from during a match.

I'm on Fire!I'm on Fire!

Battle Cards are yellow cards that can only be activated when a battle with an opponent is triggered. If both combatants activate a battle card, both will be triggered before the battle initiates and damage calculation. Most battle cards can be used during any battle, however, some can only be activated when the player is the defender. These cards carry a host of effects such as providing the opportunity to avoid the battle, nullifying stat and damage, increasing the length of a battle, and most commonly raising a character's ATK, DEF, or EVD stat. All battle card effects expire after the conclusion of a battle.


Boost Cards are green cards that can only be activated at the beginning of the turn. These cards are very diverse with a wide variety of effects ranging from dice roll modification, star rewards, card draws, healing, designated targeting, and other unusual effects to aid the player. After being used, some boost effects take place immediately, however, some are stocked and their effect will not trigger until a certain condition is met. Generally boost cards are known for the fact that they designate a target, unlike other cards where the selection is random, but not always.

Gift ExchangeGift Exchange

Event Cards are blue cards that can only be activated at the beginning of the turn. They are very similar to their boost card cousins, however, they are generally much more volatile, targeting players at random, or targeting all players including the player that activated the card. More often than not, event cards are used to cause chaos as their effects include, card theft/trade, card destruction, and random warp effects among numerous others. Overall, event cards usually cause high stakes situations, that can have a sudden dramatic effect on the match.

Windy EnchantmentWindy Enchantment

Gift Cards are pink cards that have a continuous effect as long as the player is holding the card. They are one of the least common card types in the game and each card has a limit of 1 per deck. Unlike any other card type, these cards have unique effects that are always active and only stop once the player activates the card. Generally, a symbol floating around the player indicates they are holding a gift. Most gift cards are discarded when activated or the player is KO'd, however, some are passed among players instead, continuing the effect until the card is discarded through other means. Many also prevent the player from achieving norma until they are discarded. Gift card effects also stack if the player has multiple of the same card, multiplying the effect on the player.

Brutal PrankBrutal Prank

Trap Cards are purple cards that can only be played at the beginning of the turn. Traps are not activated immediately, but are instead set face-down on the same panel as the player. Traps cannot be set on Mass snow0 Ice panels or over existing Traps unless otherwise specified. When a unit lands on the panel where the Trap card is set, the Trap card's effect will activate first, followed by the panel's effect (if the unit is not KO'd or warped to a different panel), and the Trap will be discarded unless otherwise specified. All Trap cards cost 0 stars to play and tend to have similar effects such as star, card, stat, or HP loss. However, some Traps can have partially beneficial effects. Generally, Trap cards are known to be strong but hard to target opponents with.


Hyper Cards are red cards that can be of any card type and have effects that represent a character's unique special abilities. Each character has their own specific hyper card that only they can draw, however, they can be stolen by other card effects. While not all are excellent, generally, hyper cards are the strongest cards in the game, with effects unmatched by normal cards. With proper usage, they can win the game. Some characters are more reliant on their hyper cards for success, and characters with strong stats often have weaker hyper cards.

Awakening of TalentAwakening of Talent

While not an official type, "Dual Cards" are a very rare type of card that can be used as two different card types. Often, these cards are either hyper cards or event-specific cards that are available for a limited time. Only 1 type will be listed on the card but the second is in the description. Generally, they can be used as either a battle or any of the other listed card types and, as a result, they can be activated at 2 different times. While the effects vary greatly among the few dual cards that exist, dual cards are heavily advantageous given that they provide even more options to the player with a single card.

Advanced Effects

Some cards feature specific and unique terminology that differs from normal cards. These effects commonly increase the duration of the effect or bypass the normal rules. Generally these terms are listed as the first line of the card, but some cards contain them within the body instead. Below is a brief overview of the unique terminologies the player will see on cards.

Crystal BarrierCrystal BarrierFlip OutFlip Out Stock Effect (X) indicates that the card's effect is not activated immediately, but is instead activated in the future when a specific condition is met.

The effect is listed under "Card effects" in the player's info plate, with the number of stacks equal to X. (If there is no number in brackets next to the words "Stock Effect", this counts as 1 stack.) When the specific condition is met, the stock effect will activate and the number of stacks will deplete by 1. The effect expires when stacks are depleted to 0, but can also expire through other means if specified.

Little WarLittle WarIndiscriminate Fire SupportIndiscriminate Fire Support Effect Duration: X chapter(s) indicates that the card's effect continues for a number of chapters, rather than only being active for a single turn or battle. (In this context, "chapter" refers to the length of time between the player's turn and their next turn.)

The effect is listed under "Card effects" in the player's info plate, with the duration equal to X. At the start of the player's turn (or, in some cases, at the end of the player's turn), the duration will deplete by 1. The effect expires when the duration is depleted to 0, but can also expire through other means if specified.

Some cards feature the text Effect Duration: Infinite, which means the effect's duration is set to infinity (∞) and does not deplete. In this case, the effect can only expire when a specific condition is met.

Holy NightHoly Night

Permanent Effect indicates that once the card's effect is activated, it will remain active for the rest of the game, regardless of any actions taken. As the name implies, the effect is permanent. It can be viewed by hovering over the "Info" tab on the right side of the screen, and will be listed as having a duration of infinity.


KO indicate that when the card is activated, the target will immediately be knocked out and enter recovery on the next turn. The effect pierces through any health or defense stat a character may have. Most importantly, however, the KO effect is not considered damage. When activated, the character's heath is set to 0, unlike traditional combat damage which is subtracted from the player's health. The player should also be aware that since the KO is not from a battle the player does not receive any wins from it.

Gentleman's BattleGentleman's Battle

Not an actual effect type but an important term, Target/Choose indicate that a card directly targets a particular opponent. These words are generally found on boost cards. When the player activates a card with this wording, they will be given a prompt to select an opponet to have the effect target. In some cases the card also might say Move to a specific target. Cards that target can be used at anytime as long as their criteria is met and the unit the player wants to target isn't KO'd. It is also important to not confuse this wording with card effects that indirectly target like Special Stageicon Special Stage or Treasure Thieficon Treasure Thief.

Portable PuddingPortable PuddingInvisible BombInvisible Bomb

Not an actual effect type but an important term, Reset/Reduce are words that indicate that when the card is activated, the player's HP will be reset to a certain value. Similar to the KO effect, reset/reduce bypasses any stat calculations. As a result, the effect is not considered healing/damage.

Purchasing More Cards

Once the player has completed some matches and gained some Stars IconStars, they can purchase new cards at the in-game shop. Like many collectible card games, cards are divided into different packs that the player can purchase for varying prices. These packs contain a specific pool of cards, but usually contain at least 1 card of each type. Purchasing a card pack will give the player a single card from the pack's pool to use in their deck. The player can receive up to 9 of each card before the pack is marked "sold out". The player can purchase any of the packs included in the game which are the Base, Expansion, Community 1, Community 2, and Community 3 packs. All other packs can only be purchased by purchasing the proper DLC on the Steam store. A player who does not have the DLC can still use DLC cards if they draw the card from the center deck, or otherwise acquire it during a match.


Whenever the player purchases a card (or character), the cards will be added to their Card Binder (located in the "Player Info" section of the game's Main Menu). This is where all the cards the player has purchased/owns will appear for viewing. Cards can be sorted by type, name, and rarity for the player's convenience.

Card Binder Example

Card Holding/Use Exceptions

Aru, Nico, & Chris

If the player is using Aru, or the bonus character Aru (Scramble), or the DLC 19 character Nico, or the DLC 29 character Chris, they will be able to hold a maximum of 4 cards instead of the usual 3. This will serve as the new cap, meaning the player will not have to start discarding until they have 5 or more cards in their hand.

  • Aru 00 05
  • Arus 00 03
  • Nico 00 03
  • Chris 00 05

Suguri (Ver.2)

If the player is using the bonus character Suguri (Ver.2), they will only be able to hold a maximum of 2 cards instead of the usual 3. This will serve as the new cap, meaning the player will have to start discarding once they have 3 or more cards in their hand.

Sugurib 00 01

Store Manager

If the player is using the character Store Manager, they will be unable to use cards other than Gift cards. The player will also take 1 damage when discarding a card.

Master 00 01

Units With No Hyper

Prior to Version 1.15, the playable NPC characters Chicken, Robo Ball, Seagull, Store Manager, Shifu Robot, and Flying Castle did not have their own specific Hyper cards. In addition, certain opponents in Campaign episodes have been designed without Hyper cards.

Whenever one of these units draws a blank Hyper card from the deck, it is immediately discarded and replaced with the next available card in the deck. This action is repeated as many times as necessary, and can trigger a deck reshuffle if the bottom card is a blank Hyper. In addition, the DLC 3 card Mimicicon Mimic cannot target these units.

  • Chicken 00 05
  • Heliseed 00 00
  • Seagull 00 01
  • Lizardit 00 05
