100% Orange Juice Wiki

Christmas Miracle is the fourth playable field in 100% Orange Juice. It is inspired by Christmas Shooting's stages. Christmas Miracle is a map that benefits star collectors if they go on the longer routes, having more chances to get more Stars.

It is featured in the campaigns during QP Episode 3, Suguri Episode 4, Marc Episode 2, and Kai Episode 2.

Unlock Info
  • The board can be purchased in the shop for 3500Stars Icon after reaching level 4.
  • Acquired for free after beating Suguri Episode 4.
  • Unlocked immediately by choosing Kai as the Main Character.
A-Christmas Miracle
Panel Type # of Panels
Mass check0 Home 4
Mass bonus0 Bonus 17
Mass draw0 Draw 10
Mass drop0 Drop 8
Mass encount0 Encounter 6
Mass warp0 Warp 7
Field Events
Every 5 Chapters, all Mass bonus0 Bonus, Mass drop0 Drop, Mass draw0 Draw, Mass encount0 Encounter, Mass move0 Move, Mass warpmove0 Warp Move, Mass heal Heal panels, and Mass damage0 Damage panels will become Doublepanel Double panels accordingly. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.

Strategy[ | ]

Christmas Miracle benefits mainly characters that go for Star Normas

  • Stars: This map is especially beneficial for star collectors, as it can be played without stepping into any Mass encount0 Encounter panels by hugging the shorter routes. They should know however that there is no way to avoid the Mass drop0 Drop panels sprinkled around the map. There are parts where the player can decide whether he wants to go to a Mass drop0 Drop panel and take the shorter route or go towards an Mass encount0 Encounter or Mass warp0 Warp
  • Wins: Mass encount0 Encounter panels are scarce and they force the player to go into the long route to be able to rack up Wins. It's also hard to catch up to other players as the map is pretty big and there's the chance either of them running into a Mass warp0 Warp panel, causing them to separate.

Character Synergy[ | ]

Christmas Miracle greatly benefits star collectors, as the abundance of Mass bonus0 Bonus panels and lack of Mass encount0 Encounter ones will force aggressive players to get wins by KO'ing other players, however the map is fairly big and has a good amount of Mass warp0 Warp panels, allowing any player being attacked to warp away from their attackers.
